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A Handy Platform

Nov 4, 2013 3:00:49 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

Ever thought that you have had to go a long way around a design problem to mount a particular component? Here's a hint that might possibly be a ‘quick-fix’ and a help if you're finding yourself in a similar situation.

Sheffer fits tie rod supports to long stroke cylinders to stop the tie rods from twanging like an out of tune banjo - and the design feature does a wonderful job of achieving that aim.

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FILED UNDER: Troubleshooting, Maintenance

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Boosters: How Do They Work and What are They Good for?

Oct 21, 2013 4:00:00 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

Boosters or intensifiers are used to create a high pressure output from a low pressure input. Much like how an electrical transformer works by trading current for voltage, a hydraulic booster transforms a larger volume of low pressure fluid into a smaller volume at a higher pressure.

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FILED UNDER: Application

Avoiding The Growth of Bugs

Oct 14, 2013 4:00:44 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

Those engineers in the know; will be all too familiar with the possibility of bacterial growth within the relatively cozy environment of a hydraulic system. So these thoughts are probably only going to be of interest to the tiny minority of system designers and maintenance engineers who are dealing with a certain type of installation.

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FILED UNDER: Application

Our New Captivated Cushion Design Will Rock Your World, Here's Why:

Oct 7, 2013 3:45:00 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

You know that moment when you realize the solution you've been looking for all along is staring you straight in the face? That moment when you realize the answer to all the complications, anomalies and variables you've been dealing with is something so simple... yet so significant.

Well, that's really how we'd sum up the introduction of our new cushion adjusting screw design -- the cushion captivator.

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FILED UNDER: Innovation

Top 5 Reasons Your Cylinder Supplier Can Make You or Break You

Sep 23, 2013 4:00:02 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

When charged with the notorious "beating your head against a wall", and at the very least unpleasant, task of choosing a cylinder supplier -- one can quickly become disenchanted with all of the industry hype and mumbo jumbo.

From the mammoth sized companies, in which you can get lost and slip through the cracks, to the miniature sized companies that don't offer competitive quality or the same kinds of guarantees as the "big guys" -- the options seem pretty limited.

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FILED UNDER: Troubleshooting, Application, Maintenance

The Key to Some Types of Mounting

Sep 9, 2013 4:00:37 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

Most cylinders are fixed at one point along their length. Although there is guidance and best practices associated with all of the mounting types --our thoughts go back to the times we have seen side lug cylinders used incorrectly – in one case; to the extent that the tube to cap joint was ruined.

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FILED UNDER: Troubleshooting, Application

The Ultimate Cylinder Design Checklist

Jun 12, 2013 4:00:00 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

Many eager professionals looking for a cylinder solution fall susceptible to beginning their search prior to considering all that goes into applying the right cylinder for their application. Good news, you don’t have to be that person! A simple example is as follows:

An individual sends in an order for the following cylinder:

  • 6” HH Series, 3” Rod, 50” Stroke, FHF Mount, Style 2 Rod End, Port pos. 1 & 5, Non-Cushioned.

The cylinder is made and shipped in 3 days, to the delight of the customer and thanks to the Gold Program (go ahead, check it out), since it was a job that they had to get going in a hurry. The customer installs the cylinder and a few weeks later the cylinder starts to have leaking issues at the rod. They call up very upset that the cylinder is leaking and want it fixed quickly under warranty. We ask about the application to see if we can find out more to help solve their pain as to why the cylinder has failed so quickly.

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FILED UNDER: Troubleshooting, Application, Failure Analysis

New, Dirty Oil

May 13, 2013 4:00:39 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

If you’ve ever been drenched with hydraulic fluid during your career in control engineering; you may have remarked on the fact that it’s ‘dirty stuff’! Upon reflection, and when the shock died down, you knew that you were just reacting to a situation and really using the words incorrectly. However, when you look more deeply into the subject of fluids, in certain instances they really can be termed dirty.

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FILED UNDER: Maintenance, Innovation

Ordering a Pneumatic or Hydraulic Cylinder: Basics to Know

Apr 22, 2013 4:00:32 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

“Sir, what can I get for you tonight?”

You say, “I’ll have a steak dinner”.

As the waiter walks away your mouth starts to water thinking about that big juicy steak you just ordered. Hmmmm, a steak dinner, that’s a pretty broad choice… Are you getting a New York strip? Or maybe a round steak? And what is coming with it? Who knows? You just told him a steak dinner. Mashed potatoes and gravy? Or the stuff that’s good for you like steamed veggies? (You hope it is the mashed potatoes.)

Drink? You completely forgot about the drink!

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Small Cylinders and Long Pipes

Apr 8, 2013 4:00:02 AM LEAVE A COMMENT

There was a time, almost a generation ago, when the HH range of cylinders used an array of (normally) four metallic rings as the piston seal. Their function was much along the lines of the ones used in a car engine to this day.

These rings were inert to more or less anything the world threw at them. Heat was an easy task, aggressive fluids no problem and the working surface was so hard that the tube was more likely to wear over time than the seals were to lose their size.

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FILED UNDER: Seal Solutions, Troubleshooting, Application, Maintenance, Innovation