Oct 2, 2017 12:34:24 PM LEAVE A COMMENT
FILED UNDER: Application, Quality
Feb 24, 2016 7:00:00 AM LEAVE A COMMENT
Today's post is written by Randy Logsdon, COO and Vice President of Sales and Marketing of the Sheffer Corporation. Randy is a husband, father, son and a life long fan of THE Ohio State Buckeyes. Tweets @rlogsdon19.
I remember the very first time I visited New York City. I vividly recall the sights, the sounds, the lights, the people, and yes even the distinctive smells. The first day in the city was incredible. The promise of new adventure, the excitement of new experiences and the feeling that I had knowing I was now standing in one of the most recognizable cities in the entire world. It gave me a sense of importance and pride to be standing in New York City.